Club Penguin News

Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Lights! Camera! Action!

Hi! Last week or so, the Theater opened! It's very cool. It's in the Plaza, between the Pizza Parlor and the Pet Shop. That is what they were building a little while ago. You may have gotten an idea of what they were building because there was a sign that said "Actors Needed Soon" or something like that. Also, as I recently figured out, it does not matter which door you go through, you will still go to the same place. I was a little confused with that at first. At the bottom right corner there is two things you can click on. One is the "costume trunk" where you can buy costumes such as the alien outfit, the director's hat, the robot outfit, and the space outfit. The other one is the script where there are the lines of the play(s) that you can click on and your penguin says them. There is also director's lines such as "Places everyone!" and "Take it again from the top!", and "Improv" lines such as "Beam me up" and "The engine won't last!". It's kind of fun to just sit back and watch everybody saying the random lines in random order. Here is the last part; a picture:

Your fearless leader,

Petey Flipp:)

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