Club Penguin News

Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Friday, January 4, 2008


Hi! Its been a while since I've checked on the site. So, I'll update you. The Christmas party was awesome, but sadly, it's already gone. Those of you who were there when it was still going on, I hope you had fun! The play going on in the theater is The Twelfth Fish. It has some funny lines and it is set in the Olde Times. :) There is some Olde English in it, and for example the fish says "Blubbeth!". It is pretty funny. There is going to be a new play on January 11th, so be sure to look out for it. I'm not sure what it is called, but I have a feeling it's about Valentine's Day. I think it is because on the cover of the newspaper it has a box with white hearts in it. I'm really excited for it! Also, there are 2 new wigs according of January 4th, and they are the Flutterby (for the girls) and the Sunstriker (for the boys). Those are the newest additions to the Big Wigs catalog, and I hope they'll add more soon!

I've added some additions to my igloo:

I added in some chairs around my table, and a sink and a stove. I also figured out how to change the T.V. channel. You just go into the "Edit Room" and click and hold the T.V. and press the up arrow on your keyboard. See you next post!

Your fearless leader,
Petey Flipp :)


Anonymous said...

Petey you have a faboulus igloo.It reminds me of the Saurez's house.I love this house and I wish I could be a member so I could make a house like you.

Petey Flipp said...

:)...well thanks for your compliment! ;)

Anonymous said...

thanks for saying thanks.