Club Penguin News

Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Card-Jitsu News and Things To Come

Hey again. I have been playing Card-Jitsu straight for about an hour and a half. I am so addicted! I'm obsessed with becoming a ninja. And...


Only four more belts to go, then I get to challenge the Sensei. There is also a hint written on the belt legend:   To earn belts faster, talk to the Sensei, and select Competition Mode. It must work, considering that in less than 2 hours, I have advanced 5 belts! It is so exciting!!

There is also some mysterious news about ninjas. It has been revealed that there is a secret room for those penguins who have become black belts and beaten the Sensei. Apparently, once you are in there, you can purchase things. I have seen many penguins with complete-body black outfits. And, if you've heard the rumor that ninja penguins can turn invisible....


I was in the Dojo. and I saw a shadow. I clicked on it, and a player card came up. So, that penguin has found out how to become invisible. They aren't completely invisible, but you can only see their shadow. It's sooo cool! I'm at my grandparents' house for Thanksgiving, so I don't have the feature to make pictures. So, I can't show you my outfit (with my blue belt) or the invisible penguins, but once I get back, I'll try to find another invisible penguin for you. 

Here's what's coming up:

December 5: new clothing catalog
December 12-January 9: New play-Quest for the Golden Puffle
December 12-December 22: Coins for Change event

That's all I have to say for today. Check in soon for more news!

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