Club Penguin News

Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Flying Flippers Emporium-Martial Artworks

Woooh. I went a little crazy before. It's just so exciting to become a ninja. If you've looked up how to gain belts or how to become a ninja on Google, then you've probably seen what's in the Martial Artworks catalog. But, I'll show you in case you haven't.

Here's the cover:

next page:

when you're walking around:

Hint: Also, when you're wearing just the ninja outfit and your mask, press d, or dance. You turn invisible, and the other penguins can only see your shadow and your name.
next page:

I couldn't find anyone's actual dojo igloo...probably because it's 5000 coins!
next page:

next page:

last page:

It's really cool to be a ninja. If you don't think you'll ever get your black belt or beat the Sensei, don't worry. I didn't think I could either, and now I'm a ninja. Don't give up.



and here's me in the ninja hideout:


Guess What?

Hey guys. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday! This year, the biggest present I got was an Ipod Touch. I'm still trying to figure out how to play Club Penguin on it. Also, today I got my black belt! I'm so excited! Now I just have to beat the Sensei about 10 times!! It will probably be harder than beating just any old opponent. I've played him twice and I haven't won one round! I'm sure he'll ease up soon.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Card-Jitsu and Pam

Hey!! The Christmas Party started on the 19th. Then Rockhopper left yesterday I think. Check out the newspaper for upcoming events. I was just hanging out with my friend on CP, and I played 1 game of Card-Jitsu. And...I got my brown belt! It was a lucky game. Now I just need one more belt before I face the Sensei. I'm so excited! Also, as I showed you in the picture on TSOCP, I got a new puffle. I needed something new, so I got a new jacket and a new puffle. She's purple. I decided to make it a she because Ham, my green puffle, is a boy. I named her Pam because it rhymes with Ham. So now I have Pam and Ham. Hmm...maybe I'll get another one and name it Clam...or Yam...


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Advancing in Card-Jitsu!

Hey all you Card-Jitsu lovers! Guess what?? I just became a purple belt!! I'm so excited. Now I only have 2 more belts to go, brown and black, until I face the Sensei! WOOHOO!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Rockhopper and Coins For Change

Hello my fellow penguins! Rockhopper arrived today! His ship is all decorated for Christmas. The Coins For Change event is also going on. It will be here until December 22. I think there are 3 different places where you can donate coins. I found a cauldron at the Beach, in Rockhopper's Captain's Quarters, and at the Plaza. If you found another place where you can donate, let me know. You can donate either 50, 250, or 500 coins at a time. There are three causes to donate to this year. They are:
  • Kids who are poor and cannot go to school
  • Kids who are sick
  • Kids without parents or hurt by war

I donated 50 coins to each. I'm saving up though. There is also a new Igloo Furniture catalog. There are 6 pieces to make a snow fort. There are walls, towers, and small walls for mini-forts. There are also Fireplaces, Log Benches, Armchairs, Christmas Trees and Wreaths, Teddy Bears, Wrought Iron Lamp Posts, Stockings, and much much more. I am working on getting more coins so I can decorate my igloo in the Christmas spirit. There are 2 new songs to play in your igloo: Snowy Holiday and Christmas Piano Medley. There are also free bells around town, and in the catalog on the Migrator, you can get a free Red Sailor's Cap, a Coins For Change banner, a Globe, and a Green Parrot. Also, in the Treasure Hunt game, instead of rubies and coins, there are candy canes and mints. It's really cool! If you were hoping that all of the crowds would be at the Migrator, and the Dojo would be cleared out, don't get your hopes up. All of the times that I have checked there, it's still been pretty packed. It may be different for you though. I haven't really gotten a chance to get on the computer and play Card-Jitsu, so I'm still a red belt. I will hopefully advance at least to a purple belt over the weekend. From today until January 9, the Quest For the Golden Puffle is at the Theater. From today to January 16, there is the new igloo furniture catalog. Today, you can start sending Christmas postcards. Then, from December 19 to December 29, the Christmas Party will be going on. For some of you it will be your 3rd, some of you your 2nd, and some of you even your 1st. No many how many you've been to, this one will still rock. Well, that's all I have to say for now. Remember to donate some coins for Coins For Change!


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Penguin Style Dec '08

Hey all you penguins! The new Penguin Style came out yesterday, and I'm here to tell you about it. Some of the new things are:
  • Snowman Head
  • Snowman Costume (both of the above are kind of scary!)
  • Gingerbread Costume
  • Elf Hat
  • Elf Suit
  • Elf Shoes
  • Green Winter Jacket
  • Black Toque
  • Pink Earmuffs
  • Yellow Winter Jacket
  • Baker's Apron
  • Chef Hat (I know it isn't new, but it goes with the Baker's Apron)
There are also some hidden things, but I'll tell you about them later. Here's what the Gingerbread Costume looks like when you're just walking around:

Here's what the Snowman Costume looks like when you're just walking around:

There are also, as I mentioned before, hidden items.
  • to get the Yellow Scarf:
  • to get the Russian Hat:

  • to get the Viking Helmet (red):

  • to get the Blue Viking Helmet: open the Red Viking Helmet 4 times

  • to get the Red Hoodie:

  • to get the Black Superhero Mask:

If you found anything that I didn't mention, please let me know. In a little while I'll post more about what's up and coming.


Friday, November 28, 2008


Hey everyone. I think it would be cool if you could see ninjas and other belts. So, if you drop by my blog, please post a comment telling what belt you are and if you can, a picture. If you're a ninja, please post your player card if you can, and the ninja hideout. You can if you want to. Thanks!


Thursday, November 27, 2008

...A special message from Petey Flipp


Card-Jitsu News and Things To Come

Hey again. I have been playing Card-Jitsu straight for about an hour and a half. I am so addicted! I'm obsessed with becoming a ninja. And...


Only four more belts to go, then I get to challenge the Sensei. There is also a hint written on the belt legend:   To earn belts faster, talk to the Sensei, and select Competition Mode. It must work, considering that in less than 2 hours, I have advanced 5 belts! It is so exciting!!

There is also some mysterious news about ninjas. It has been revealed that there is a secret room for those penguins who have become black belts and beaten the Sensei. Apparently, once you are in there, you can purchase things. I have seen many penguins with complete-body black outfits. And, if you've heard the rumor that ninja penguins can turn invisible....


I was in the Dojo. and I saw a shadow. I clicked on it, and a player card came up. So, that penguin has found out how to become invisible. They aren't completely invisible, but you can only see their shadow. It's sooo cool! I'm at my grandparents' house for Thanksgiving, so I don't have the feature to make pictures. So, I can't show you my outfit (with my blue belt) or the invisible penguins, but once I get back, I'll try to find another invisible penguin for you. 

Here's what's coming up:

December 5: new clothing catalog
December 12-January 9: New play-Quest for the Golden Puffle
December 12-December 22: Coins for Change event

That's all I have to say for today. Check in soon for more news!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Hey everyone! The Dojo has been renovated! Now you can play a new game, Card-Jitsu. Well, sort of. It is always extremely packed, even if there are only 1 or 2 bars on the log-in screen. You go against an opponent, and you have to try to beat them by using cards. I would post the rules on here, but I can't get into the Dojo. I'll try later, so check in soon.

-Petey Flipp

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Comment Please

Hey everyone, again. Whenever you visit this blog, please comment. If you visit it for the first time, maybe not even looking for this blog, please comment anyways. I need to know if people actually read this.

Popularity Check

Hey everyone. This blog and my other blog aren't very popular, but I think it's just because no one can find it by searching on Google. So, I'm going to try something.

club penguin cheats
club penguin hints
club penguin club penguin club penguin club penguin club penguin club penguin
club penguin cheats club penguin cheats club penguin cheat club penguin cheats
hints tips club penguin i love club penguin (club penguin rocks)
club penguin cheats tips hints secrets
club penguin secrets
club penguin news club penguin news
club penguin tips club penguin hints

Maybe that will help. I doubt it. Good thing it wasn't very difficult.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dojo Struck By Lightning!

Hey everyone! You've probably all noticed a few new things about Club Penguin.

One thing: The map has been remodeled. Here's what it looks like now.

Also, the Halloween Party ended a few days ago. Another new thing is that the Dojo got struck by lightning in the storm. Here's the damage.

There are also free hard hats in the bin. Click on the sign that says "To Outside" to go to the roof top.

The gold and red ropes aren't really there, I just put them there to show that you can't go in the deep snow near the mysterious penguin. If you click on him, he has a player card.

Everyone is assuming he is a ninja, but you can see a beard on him. Maybe he's a retired ninja.
There is also a fireworks celebration. You can see them from the Iceberg and from the Mountain. However, today is the last day. Tomorrow, there will be a new Penguin Style catalog. I think there might be some new wigs, too. The new play will arrive November 21. Get ready for all of the fun stuff to do!

-Petey Flipp

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Hey everyone! Here's what's new.
The Halloween Party is here, and, it's pretty awesome. For you members, there is a secret room in the Book Room. You need the Rad Scientist Outfit to enter. Click on the green candle, then go down the stairs.

Pretty cool, huh?

The Dock is really cool too.

By the way, I'm the one behind the pumpkin.

Sadly, today is the last day of the party. Rockhopper left on the 27th, for any of you who are wondering. On November 5th and 6th, there will be a fireworks show. On the 7th, there will be a new clothing catalog and a new wig catalog. Be sure to check it out. Sorry I don't have time to post the location of the hidden candies, but I'm sure you can find them yourselves.

-Petey Flipp

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Secrets of Club Penguin

Hey again. Check out TSOCP for the walkthrough for Mysterious Tremors, and info on the newest mission.

New Stuff...and sorry!

I'm so sorry! I haven't posted for a month! I've been so busy with stuff, I just haven't gotten a chance. There may not be...any...penguins that read this, but I try very hard. I hope someday my blogs will be as popular as others! Here's what's new.

  • October 29: The Halloween Party, just in time for the holiday. It ends November 2, so be sure to catch it.
  • October 10: new play: Space Adventures Planet Y
  • tomorrow, October 24: 3rd year Anniversary Party at the Town Center, ends the 26th
  • October 17: new furniture and igloo upgrades catalog
  • October 24: new pin
  • November 5: Fireworks show
  • November 7: new clothing catalog

Well, that's about all I have to say. Also, keep an eye out for Rockhopper. He's visiting for the 3 year Anniversary.


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Fall Fair!

Hey everyone! You have probably all been anxiously awaiting when the Fall Fair would come to CP. It's finally here! A few things have changed since last year's Fall Fair. There are still the same games, and I'm pretty sure they're in the same place. Last year we didn't have the Stage, so the prize booth was where the Stage is now. Here is a list of the games:

Grab and Spin: spin the wheel to get tickets
Ring the Bell: position the hammer and try to hit the bell
Memory Game: find the matches
Puffle Paddle: try to keep the puffles in the air
Puffle Shuffle: the puffles hide under hats, you have to find the correct one
Feed-A-Puffle: shoot food into the puffles' mouths

The main thing that is new this year is that there is an Arcade Circle. It is just for members. There are two new games:

Ballon Pop: guide your puffle into the other balloons to get the tickets they drop
Puffle Soaker: shoot the puffles with a hose, just don't shoot any penguins!

There is also a special Prize Booth. There are Giant Yellow Sunglasses, just like the green ones, which are 1000 tickets, a Candy Apple, which is 800 tickets, and there is a Teddy Bear, which is quite cute, which is 2000 tickets.

There are a lot of decorations, but for some reason there are none in the Plaza. Weird, huh?

Here's what's coming up this fall:

  • There will be an Igloo Decorating contest. I don't know when, so be sure to check frequently.
  • The 3 year anniversary is coming up in October, I think, and the new Yearbook is coming out. You can go to the Book Room to see it when it does.
  • On October 3rd, there will be a new Clothing Catalog. Be sure to pick up a Halloween outfit!
  • On October 10, there will be a new play at the Stage.
  • On October 17, the new furniture catalog will be coming out.
I haven't heard about anything new in the PSA, but I'm guessing it's about time for a new mission. I'll be posting the walkthrough for the Mysterious Tremors mission soon.

If you want, here is my new look for a while:

That's all I have to say for now. If you think of anything I forgot to mention, let me know

Your fearless leader,

Petey Flipp :P

Sunday, September 14, 2008

New stuff

Hey! I haven't been on in a while! Here's what's new:

  • There's a new play at the Stage: Ruby and the Ruby

  • there are two new wigs:

  • The Tuft looks different in this picture and on your player card, but when you're just waddling around, it looks the Firestriker and the Sunstriker,

but brown. Here's what the Dizzy looks like when you're waddling around:

That's not me by the way. I wouldn't get a girl's wig. It's just some penguin I saw. I erased her name though.

  • There's also a new clothing catalog:

  • Here are the hidden items:

If you find any other hidden items that I didn't find, let me know.

  • There's a new pin. Here's a hint about where it is.

  • Another cool thing in the catalog is the new item featured in the Penguins At Work section. You can get the Painter's Overalls.

  • Here's a picture of what you do when you dance in them:

I'll post more about new things and things that will be new soon later.

-Petey Flipp

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Music Jam!

Head over to Club Penguin and join the Music Jam! There's tons of stuff to do, including about 8 different stages to rock out at! They all have a different theme. There's also a new clothing catalog, with tons of new rockstar and country outfits. There's a new furniture catalog too. There's also a new game in the Night Club. It's called DJ3K. You just play music and use different sound effects, but you get coins for it! Also, don't miss the Penguin Band playing at the Ice Berg! On August 1st, which isn't very far away, there will be a new clothing catalog. Be sure to pick up what you want! On August 8th, there will be a new play at the Stage. Stop by and see what it is! At the Snow Forts, you can buy new T-shirts. You can also buy a VIP pass to get to the backstage area at the stage at the Docks. It's where the Penguin Band hangs out. There are instruments there for sale. There are free maracas at the Cove, and a free Music Jam shirt at the Plaza. Also, the new mail system is up and running. You have a mailbox at the top of the screen. You can send postcards to your friends and vice versa. Another cool thing I discovered (unfortunately) is that you get letters from your puffles when they are really hungry. Don't worry, I went right home and fed them. At the Dojo, there's a device called the Music Maker 3000. You just stand on the colored platforms, and the instruments play music.
You should check it out, and I'll keep you posted.


Friday, June 13, 2008

The 2nd Annual Water Party!

Hey everyone! The Water Party is back! It all started when a crab cracked the glass in the Pool. Now everyone is partying! The Water Party is a great way to have fun. Almost every single room in Club Penguin has a water theme. Also, in every room, at the bottom right corner, there is a hose. When you drag it around the screen, you can spray penguins with water! Also, instead of throwing snowballs, you throw water balloons! There is also a new play at The Stage that came out today. It is called The Penguins that Time Forgot. It is about penguins in the time of cavemen and dinosaurs. It's really cool. There will be a new Better Igloo catalog on the 20th. On that same day there will be a new pin hidden. Then, on the 27th, there will be a new Sports Catalog. The Forest is really fun. There is roll-out grass on the ground, and a "Slip-and-slide". There is also an octopus sprinkler and a little picnic area. Also, when you go to the Iceberg, there is something blue off to the left (and no, it is not water). When you go over to it, it is a big whale! It is a fun party place. Well, have fun celebrating!

Your fearless leader,
Petey Flipp ;D

Monday, May 26, 2008


I haven't been here in a while! It is almost the end of May! The Medieval Party was extended until yesterday (May 25th). There was a lot of fun stuff to do. There was a huge dragon in the Mine/Cave. The Switchbox thing from the theater was there so you could interact with it. The medieval Igloo contest started on the 23rd and the judging ends today. They announce the winners on the 29th. I hope I win! The winner gets 10,000 coins. Also, in the Club Penguin Times there is a new game called Puffle so-cute-o. It is like Sudoku, but with puffles. On June 6th there will finally be a new clothing catalog. I can't wait! There is also a new furniture catalog. It has medieval items, such as the banners and the royal throne. There is ALSO a new puffle furniture catalog. The most popular item is probably the koi pond. Also, Rockhopper came and the key to the captain's quarters was hidden. Sadly, I wasn't there, so I don't know much about it. If you ask your fellow penguins, they will probably tell you about it! That's all folks!

Your fearless leader,
Petey Flipp

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Hey everyone! Last time I posted it was March! Now it's almost the end of April. A lot of things have been going on. First, the Migrator has been repaired. It has taken a long time. Now we are just waiting for Rockhopper. Here is a timeline of the events for the Migrator:
January: The ship crashed into an iceberg and sank.
February: Gary the Gadget Guy built the Aqua Grabber, and penguins started searching for the pieces of the Migrator.
February/March: The Migrator was finally rebuilt at the Beach.
April: We have to wait for Rockhopper.
April 25: The penguins are planning a party. The flares set off at the Beach have caught Rockhopper's attention and penguins think he'll come soon.

In other news, (I sound like a reporter!) the Town Clock broke down on Thursday, April 17. Almost all of the other clocks are connected to it, so the other clocks aren't working either. It's going crazy, and the time is just scrolling through by the minute. The thing that says the day of the week or holiday is scrambling through them too. Soon, we will find out what happened and it will be repaired. Hmm-cough cough-secret agent-wheeze-hackity hack hack-the secrets of club penguin-cough cough-hmmm hmmmmmmm-ACHOO!

The Igloo catalog has a new item. You can get a two story igloo- one regular story, but the other is grass. Well, it's fake grass, but it is still just as cool. You can also get the fake grass for your whole home with the floor changing thing.

So, that's basically what's new, and I'll be posting the walkthroughs for the other missions for my fellow Agents.

Your fearless leader,
Petey Flipp :D

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Hey again! Happy March! There is a new clothing catalog, as well as a wig catalog. There are 2 new wigs: the Surfknot and the Cleo. (The surfknot for boys, the Cleo for girls.) Here's a picture:

In the Sports Shop, you can also get the new fishing pole/lure. With it, you can catch the famous silver fish found on the delicious pizzas. They are multiplied by more at the end of the Ice Fishing game, so you get more points if you catch those. In a little while, I am going to post the walkthroughs for all of the missions. You'll be able to find them on The Secrets of Club Penguin. Also, the Save the Migrator project is going more smoothly now. They have all of the parts on the beach. Even though the project is already going, you can still play the Aqua Grabber. It's really fun.Well, I hope to post again soon. Have fun at the St. Patrick's Day party!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Secrets of Club Penguin

Hi again! I put the first post on The Secrets of Club Penguin. I also put a link to it and Club Penguin so you can join the fun. :) Remember-you can search for our blogs on Google, just type in the name, but make sure you type WeLoveClubPenguin in one word. It won't work any other way. Well we hope you check out our new blog, and look out for posts coming your way!

Your fearless leader,
Petey Flipp :)

Sunday, January 6, 2008


I am going to start a new blog about the Secrets of Club Penguin. It will include secret tips, hints and especially secret secrets. It will also include the tips and secrets from that section of the Club Penguin Times. Once it gets started, I will add in a link to it on here.

Your fearless leader,
Petey Flipp :)

Friday, January 4, 2008

That is One Big Wig!

Hi again! Here is some pictures of the new wigs:

I'll keep you posted with anything new.

Your fearless leader,

Petey Flipp :)


Hi! Its been a while since I've checked on the site. So, I'll update you. The Christmas party was awesome, but sadly, it's already gone. Those of you who were there when it was still going on, I hope you had fun! The play going on in the theater is The Twelfth Fish. It has some funny lines and it is set in the Olde Times. :) There is some Olde English in it, and for example the fish says "Blubbeth!". It is pretty funny. There is going to be a new play on January 11th, so be sure to look out for it. I'm not sure what it is called, but I have a feeling it's about Valentine's Day. I think it is because on the cover of the newspaper it has a box with white hearts in it. I'm really excited for it! Also, there are 2 new wigs according of January 4th, and they are the Flutterby (for the girls) and the Sunstriker (for the boys). Those are the newest additions to the Big Wigs catalog, and I hope they'll add more soon!

I've added some additions to my igloo:

I added in some chairs around my table, and a sink and a stove. I also figured out how to change the T.V. channel. You just go into the "Edit Room" and click and hold the T.V. and press the up arrow on your keyboard. See you next post!

Your fearless leader,
Petey Flipp :)