Club Penguin News

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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Flying Flippers Emporium-Martial Artworks

Woooh. I went a little crazy before. It's just so exciting to become a ninja. If you've looked up how to gain belts or how to become a ninja on Google, then you've probably seen what's in the Martial Artworks catalog. But, I'll show you in case you haven't.

Here's the cover:

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when you're walking around:

Hint: Also, when you're wearing just the ninja outfit and your mask, press d, or dance. You turn invisible, and the other penguins can only see your shadow and your name.
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I couldn't find anyone's actual dojo igloo...probably because it's 5000 coins!
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It's really cool to be a ninja. If you don't think you'll ever get your black belt or beat the Sensei, don't worry. I didn't think I could either, and now I'm a ninja. Don't give up.


Supersoradud said...

There's also a weird glitch with the dojo igloos that won't let anyone move from the enterance. It can be really annoying...

Petey Flipp said...

Oh really? That's odd. I'll be sure not to buy one. Besides, I like my igloo the way it is. I hope you check back on my blogs often! I'll post more news. I just haven't been able to get on Club Penguin because I've had a problem with my password. Thanks!