Club Penguin News

Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hello again!

Hi! There's a Halloween Igloo decorating contest starting! It started on the 16th, and you can submit your igloo until the 25th. You decorate your igloo in a Halloween theme, whether it's spooky, silly, or something else. Then you click on the "Submit Igloo" button in your igloo:

Sorry, it's blurry.

But, you can't change your igloo once you've submitted it. It's probably so the judges can visit your igloo or something.
The 20 Grand Prize winners will receive:
  • 50,000 coins
  • Their igloos featured in the CP Times
  • A special postcard from the judges

The 20 Runner-ups will receive:

  • 25,000 coins
  • Their names featured in the CP Times
  • A special postcard from the judges

The winners of the contest will be announced in the October 29th and November 5th issues of the CP Times.

Club Penguin's 4th Anniversary is coming up! It's on October 24th, next Saturday. But, it only lasts for one day. It will be held in the Coffee Shop. Be sure to be there!

In the weather section, it has been said that a storm is coming! Gary said that the Volcano might have a significant impact on the weather. The Volcano's heat and smoke is gathering in the air, and that sometimes leads to severe conditions with the weather. It's supposed to be a lightning storm...and it's expected to hit near the end of the month...near Halloween!

On Friday, new igloo music was released. The new ones are: Team Power, Ruby's Theme, Haunted Disco, and Zero Gravity. Haunted Disco seems like a good Halloween song...

The actual Halloween Party starts on October 27th, and lasts until November 1st. There's also supposed to be a scavenger hunt. I'll try to post the whereabouts of those items on TSOCP.

That's about all. I might post more details about some of the events that are coming up later.


Friday, October 2, 2009


Okay, I haven't been posting at all. But, I mean, I'm pretty sure we're all in school now. Homework, sports, and all that jazz. So I've been busy...haven't you?

So...the business with the orange sky. Turns out, all that hot stuff we were putting into the hole in the ground at the Ninja Hideout activated a volcano. In the last newspaper, it said, "The Sensei was quick to let everyone know there was no danger, and that the stirring of the Volcano is part of a great ninja secret that will unfold." If you visit the Hideout now, you will still see the hole in the ground, along with a fancy new design on the floor. There is also a scaffolding, and two black puffles that flame up if you go near them with your ninja outfit on.

The winners of the Penguin Tales 2009 were announced. Congrats to Chewydr, Pamelin40, Myndynha, and 4884lune for their awesome stories!

The Penguin Style Halloween Edition is out, and it will stay until November 5. On September 25, new Igloo music came out. On October 9th, Squidzoid returns! It will stay until November 12th. The Club Penguin 4th Anniversary Party is on October 24th, and October 24th only. That's kind of all. I won't be posting 24/7, which you might have realized. I've been really busy with school and sports...but I'll try my best!
