Club Penguin News

Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Monday, March 23, 2009


OMIGOSH! I SAW AUNT ARCTIC! I went on looking for an uncrowded server, and I went backstage...I'm so glad I did! She was there, with only a few people around her. I'm surprised there weren't more. There are lots more now. Maybe she isn't as popular as the others, or maybe people just didn't know where she was. Here's some pictures:

It was so great! If you're having trouble finding the celebrities, don't give up. Don't rely on those trackers either. They don't actually work. Hey, maybe one you found works. But the ones I've tried are all either fake or have misinformation. Just try working with friends, or just wander around CP. You'll find them eventually. I sure did!


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