Sunday, November 29, 2009
HAPPY 100TH!!!
Oh, wait. My membership has been cancelled....I can't believe this! Well I haven't really been playing Club Penguin at I guess it wasn't really being used. Well I guess I'll just post later. I don't really feel like it.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
It's been a while...
...but now I'm back! It's just that I'm still really busy with school and homework. I literally had no time after school, cause I had an activity every day after school. Now the Monday-Wednesday-Friday activity is over, so I have more free time. I'm going to try to post at least every two weeks. That way I can keep up with the CP world. I hope I can stick with this!!

So CP's Anniversary Party was on October 24th, and it was held in the Coffee Shop. It was Club Penguin's 4th Birthday. By the way...CPHelp will be having an anniversary soon too...just wait! Also on that day, a new yearbook came out.
The Halloween started on October 27th, and ended on November 1st. Here were the highlights:
- Costume Show in the Ski Village
- a showing of "Night of the Living Sled" at the Lighthouse
- Halloween scavenger hunt
- Slime Mine and Haunted House, both at the Mine
On November 6th, a new Penguin Style catalog came out...(psst! click on the dojo to get the viking helmet!)
Tomorrow, new postcards are coming out for November...probably including some for Thanksgiving!
When the Halloween Party ended, the storm did too. Sensei told us that he tamed the Volcano with a mysterious amulet. He also told us that more Amulets are being made for new ninja training! You were able to go to the Dojo and Ninja Hideout to help make them. You can buy a Goldsmith Apron from the Martial Artworks catalog.
In the newer newspaper edition, Sensei has said that we will be building a new Dojo on top of the Volcano! Can you believe it? Then the ninjas will learn to tame the element of fire. I'm so excited!
A new furniture catalog is coming out on November 2oth, as well as a new Igloo Upgrades catalog.
A new play is arriving tomorrow. It's called "Norman Swarm Has Been Transformed". It will stay here until December 10th...and it seems pretty cool! It sounds like you get shrunken down to the size of a bug...either that or the Stage seems, or is, bigger. There is apparently a Gnome Room. Sounds cool, right? Just one more day!
The "Great Snow Maze" is coming soon, too. November 27th, to be exact.
I wrote all that on Thursday, November 12th. Now it's Saturday, November 14th, and some of the new stuff has arrived and started! I'll keep writing about the new stuff that started in this post.
Okay, one of the HUGE events was that the Volcano construction started yesterday. This next will be available to only Ninjas (it takes place in the Ninja Hideout.) Okay, so go to the Ninja Hideout. You will notice that the scaffolding thing is gone. It seems pretty finished...but there's something new. It has to do with what the hold in the ground was for. Click on the small monument with a flame sign on it.

A new entrance appears. If you don't do anything, it will disappear after a few seconds.

Then, when you click on the door, a note pops up. It says...
"You wish to enter?
First you need the Amulet
From Martial Artworks.
Then enter this door
to continue your journey
at the Volcano."
The Amulet is just 200 coins, and you wear it around your neck. Once you buy it, the door in the new entrance will open. Enter.
It's not nearly done, but it's still really cool. There are statues being carved out of rock, and the floor is a metal grating. This is literally on top of the Volcano, and you can just barely see two gates at the bottom of the screen with lava flowing out of them. That's about it, though. This is the new Fire Dojo, (hopefully) soon to be finished. It's going to be awesome.
Now, onto the new play. While investigating the Fire Dojo, I've seen all these penguins with bug costumes. And now I'm going to enter the Stage. When you click on the door, a zapper hits you and it's probably that you shrink. The main area has little x's made out of stones. You need to stand on them, with the other actors, and at least one bug. Then the big rock in the back will move and you will find stairs going down. If you go down these stairs, there are more x's. It's a whole new room, with a big chest. Standing on the x's unlocks this chest, and there is a magic phial pin. It's pretty cool.
I actually think that may be all. That was an extremely long post. But I'm glad I did it!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Hello again!

Sorry, it's blurry.
But, you can't change your igloo once you've submitted it. It's probably so the judges can visit your igloo or something.
The 20 Grand Prize winners will receive:
- 50,000 coins
- Their igloos featured in the CP Times
- A special postcard from the judges
The 20 Runner-ups will receive:
- 25,000 coins
- Their names featured in the CP Times
- A special postcard from the judges
The winners of the contest will be announced in the October 29th and November 5th issues of the CP Times.
Club Penguin's 4th Anniversary is coming up! It's on October 24th, next Saturday. But, it only lasts for one day. It will be held in the Coffee Shop. Be sure to be there!
In the weather section, it has been said that a storm is coming! Gary said that the Volcano might have a significant impact on the weather. The Volcano's heat and smoke is gathering in the air, and that sometimes leads to severe conditions with the weather. It's supposed to be a lightning storm...and it's expected to hit near the end of the month...near Halloween!
On Friday, new igloo music was released. The new ones are: Team Power, Ruby's Theme, Haunted Disco, and Zero Gravity. Haunted Disco seems like a good Halloween song...
The actual Halloween Party starts on October 27th, and lasts until November 1st. There's also supposed to be a scavenger hunt. I'll try to post the whereabouts of those items on TSOCP.
That's about all. I might post more details about some of the events that are coming up later.
Friday, October 2, 2009
So...the business with the orange sky. Turns out, all that hot stuff we were putting into the hole in the ground at the Ninja Hideout activated a volcano. In the last newspaper, it said, "The Sensei was quick to let everyone know there was no danger, and that the stirring of the Volcano is part of a great ninja secret that will unfold." If you visit the Hideout now, you will still see the hole in the ground, along with a fancy new design on the floor. There is also a scaffolding, and two black puffles that flame up if you go near them with your ninja outfit on.
The winners of the Penguin Tales 2009 were announced. Congrats to Chewydr, Pamelin40, Myndynha, and 4884lune for their awesome stories!
The Penguin Style Halloween Edition is out, and it will stay until November 5. On September 25, new Igloo music came out. On October 9th, Squidzoid returns! It will stay until November 12th. The Club Penguin 4th Anniversary Party is on October 24th, and October 24th only. That's kind of all. I won't be posting 24/7, which you might have realized. I've been really busy with school and sports...but I'll try my best!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
More info on the Orange Sky!

- Item 1 clue: Your hunt starts in a skiing place, where this fire helps to warm your face! You can find this in the Ski Lodge. It is a log from the fire.
- Item 2 clue: In a place where books delight, this flame is a reading light. You can find this in the Book Room. It is the candle.
- Item 3 clue: Look for a grumpy puffle's flare, and find yourself a sizzling hair. You can find this in the Pet Shop. Click on the black puffle inside the cage.
- Item 4 clue: Underground you'll need a light, this lamp makes a dark place bright! You can find this in the Mine. It is the lantern.
- Item 5 clue: By an oven is where you'll find a firey sauce to blow your mind! You can find this in the Pizza Parlor. It is the hot sauce bottle.
- Item 6 clue: By the sea you'll find a flame, not far from a surfing game! You can find this in the Cove. It is a stick from the fire.
- Item 7 clue: Find this gadget way up high, burning fuel will help you fly! You can find this on the Beacon. It is the jet pack.
- Item 8/final clue! One last clue and then you're done, find a lantern, the left one! You can find this in the Dojo Courtyard. It is the lantern on the left.
You get a fire pin! It's pretty cool. Then you can see a conveyor belt filled with the items you had to find. If you go inside the Ninja Hideout, stand in the dirt, and use your windy thingys on your arms, you make the conveyor belt move! It drops the items into a hole. Whatever that's for. I guess we'll find out next week!

Well that's all. I'm going to manhunt tonight at my'll be awesome! :) See ya!
Friday, September 18, 2009
So the Fall Fair ended on the 13th. Did you guys have fun? I did. I didn't meet Rockhopper though....:(. Did any of you?
The 101DOF also ended on the 12th. I thought that was a pretty good idea for summer. I had fun trying to complete each day's activity.
On September 11th, new postcards were released.
Today, the new Better Igloos catalog came out, along with a new Igloo upgrades.
On the 21st, new Igloo music is coming out. Probably from the Fall Fair.
You probably noticed that the sky is orange. This is a sign for ninjas! If you can figure out the scavenger hunt, then you win a fire pin. Go to the Ninja Hideout. It's pretty crazy! They're building something in there...I'll post more later! Gotta go to school!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Aweesomeeee!! Times like triple!
They have all the same games:
- Memory
- Ring the Bell
- Feed a Puffle
- Puffle Shuffle
- Puffle Paddle
- Puffle Soaker
- Balloon Pop
My favorite's Feed A Puffle. What's yours?
They've added the Puffle Circus. It's in an area off of the Forest. It's for member's only, and you can also find the Member's Prize Booth there. It's really cool! Each puffle has a different act.
Rockhopper's here, too! And here's what he brought:
Okay, well I didn't finish this. I kinda forgot. But I figured I'd post it anyways. Whateva.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Yes! The Fall Fair is Coming Back!!!
If you hadn't guessed, I like the Fall Fair. A lot. In fact, it's my favorite CP Party of all time! It's! And it's coming to you on September 4th! It lasts a full 9 days, until the 13th. Plus, the Migrator has been spotted! Rockhopper has never been able to celebrate the Fall Fair with us, until now! He docks September 4th also. And, there's something else coming on the fourth! The new Penguin Style catalog! That lasts until October 1st. There's one more thing coming out around then...a new play! The Penguins that TIme Forgot will reshow starting September 11th, and will last until October 8th.
Yesterday the new Sports Catalog came out. It features new football outfits, a ref outfit, and new cheerleader outfits. The football outfits are blue, red, and green. The cheerleader outfits are the same colors. So yep! That's all.
Friday, August 21, 2009
The new play is out! Underwater Adventure is being featured at the Stage. Be sure to check it out! Also, the new Better Igloos catalog is out. And, finally, the new Sports catalog is coming! It comes out August 28th.
Here are the hidden items for the BI catalog.
- page 1: click on the brown burner on the stove for the Bowling Pin
- Page 3: click on the window panel in the top left corner of the Window for the Bowling Alley
- Page 4: click on the knobs on the stove for the Fridge
- page 5: click on the record in the Gramophone for the Band Stage
- page 6: click on the record things on the DJ Table for the Wall Speaker
- page 7: click on the Stone Column Ruins for the Guitar Stand
- page 8: click on the flame in the Bamboo Torch for the LCD Television
- page 11: click on the Medieval Banner for the Penguin Knight Sculpture
And that's all the hidden items!
I'm not sure if this has been here for a while, but here all of the Music choices for your igloo.
- Keytar Jam: techno-ish song...and I find it quite annoying.
- Mountain Dojo: the same music from the Dojo.
- Flipper Stomper: pretty sure it's from the Music Jam...a country-ish song.
- Pop Song: the song from the Pink Stage from the Music Jam...I think...
- Silly to Funky: I think it's a song from Dance Challenge.
- Coconut: a Hawaiian themed song...with a ukulele!!
- Catchin' Waves Theme: ...the Catchin' Waves theme song.
- Rocksteady: not sure how to explain it...not exactly rock, but more like pop in my opinion.
- Summer Song: slow, kind of boring song, with guitar.
- All-Access Pass: techno...maybe from the Night Club Rooftop?
- Epic Battle: medieval, probably from the Medieval Party...who woulda thunk it?
- Rocking Pizza: pop-techno song. not sure where it's from...probably the MJ.
- Mix Maestro...I remember it was playing in the Night Club, I think when DJ3K was released. And you could play the exact same song in DJ3K. I tried, and failed. It's really difficult to try to reproduce the exact same tune.
- Water Kongo: the music from the Water Party. I like it!
And...sobsob...they got rid of Puffle Ragtime! I liked it. But I was listening to all of the songs and I just realized that they deleted it, so now I can't get it back. NOOO!!!!!!!!
lol...I think I can live. maybe.
so yeah! that's all!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The FoF Will Continue!
Start a wave at the Cove! Get a bunch of blue penguins together, then as a group walk back and forth in the water shouting "Wave!"
But...I guess they weren't expecting to extend the party, cause the water is still blocked off! So I had an idea...start an earthquake at the Cove instead! Get a bunch of brown penguins together, then run all around the Cove shouting "EARTHQUAKE!!!" I tried to get penguins to do that...but they wouldn't listen...:'(....but you can try!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Festival of Flight!
So last was the Music Jam, but now there's a new party in town. The Flight Festival! Unfortunately I can't remember why. I think it's because Gary needs to replace the Underground Pool's windows. THIS PARTY IS AWESOMEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
And by the way, the new pin (whether it's new or not) is in the Mine (underground).

Finally! Now I just have to meet Cadence...
So, this awesome party will only last until August 18th...sobsob...But there will be a new Better Igloos catalog on the 21st, and a new play, Underwater Adventure, also on August 21st. That's all, penguins!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Music Jam is over....and other stuff...sorry i'm late!
The Penguin Tales contest ends tomorrow, so make sure to enter if you're interested!
Tomorrow is day 63 of 101DOF. And here's the suggestion: You decide! Log out and head to the What's New blog to help select a new furniture item!
The voting for the new color is over, and the winner will be featured in the new Penguin Style catalog on Friday! I voted for maroon. What did you vote for?
Gary wants to replace the windows in the Underground Pool again before they break! He said that CP might even throw a party while we're at it! There will be more details in the next catalog.
That's all!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I haven't met the PB or Cadence. Have you?
Starting tomorrow, you can vote for a new color. There's lavender, maroon, and aqua. I like the maroon the best. What do you think? Make sure to vote tomorrow!
I just realized that the Night Club Rooftop is back! I completely missed it last time. It's definitely my favorite room! It's so awesome! You can get boom boxes there. Then you can break dance!
I guess that's all. There's also the new Better Igloos. There's just stuff thats MJ themed.
P.S. Here are some cool shots of me breakdancing at my igloo!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Music Jam Coming Up!
I've been watching the Visualizer thing on Itunes for about five minutes straight. It makes me dizzy. I wish something would happen! Summer is boring.
Okay. I got sidetracked.
So the Music Jam will be here on Friday. Not exactly news. But, it's still almost here! I hope Cadence comes back! Along with that, the new Better Igloos catalog.
That's pretty much it.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
New Puffle! and other stuff...
Here are the new 101DOF.
- July 9th: Create a store in your igloo! Pretend you're the most successful shop-keeper on the island and sell furniture items or pets!
- July 10th: Ruby and the Ruby is at the Stage! Go read the script and then be Jacques Hammer or Ruby all over the island. Ask questions about the missing ruby!
- July 11th: Play medieval tag on the island by dressing in your favorite medieval-style outfit and chasing penguins who say "Roar!" If you have a dragon costume, get knights and princesses to chase you!
- July 12th: Head to the Penguin Style catalog at the Gift Shop. Get 10 friends to pick out a fabulous new outfit and go to the Cove to have a fashion show!
- July 13th: Take your puffle into a game it can help you play. Then walk around the island with your pet and let everyone know how awesome your pet is!
- July 14th: Go visit 15 igloos and tell the owner something that you love about their igloo.
- July 15th: Take your soccer ball to the Iceberg and start a dance party!
The Music Jam is coming soon! It starts in just a week, so get ready! The penguins already are; there are boxes with decorations and the beginnings of stages all around the island.
Ruby and the Ruby is back, and you can still find a pin if you follow the script.
On the same day that the Music Jam starts, a new Better Igloos catalog will come out too.
That's all...I think.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Sensei's Gone....
The Music Jam is coming back! It's starting on July 17, and it ends on July 26. That's 9 days of rocking out, dressing up, and having a good time! Plus, Cadence and the Penguin Band will be making appearances backstage! I'm excited-are you?
Here are the 101DOF, from now until Thursday. I know I'm behind.
- July 6th: Travel! Log in and choose the French language. Waddle around and say "Bonjour"!
- July 7th: Do Mission #1 and look for a penguin by the Ice Rink. If you're not a penguin Secret Agent, join by clicking the M at the top of your screen and take the quiz!
- July 8th: "You Decide!" Head to the What's New blog and help choose an item for the August Penguin Style catalog.
The new Penguin Style came out on the 3rd. There are new outfits for the Music Jam. It's pretty cool, and there are 5 new wigs too.
Ruby and the Ruby is coming on July 10th.
That's all!
Friday, July 3, 2009
News and Sensei!
That's all for now. I'll post more later, but I have to find Sensei!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Nothing New
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Also, while looking for examples, I found this igloo.

Crazy, huh? Can you see me?
Also, Rockhopper's plants have been growing.

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Music, Sensei, Days of Fun, and More!
- June 25th: Pretend to sink the Iceberg! Get a bunch of buddies to turn light blue and dance on the Iceberg so that you all look like water on top of the 'Berg!
- June 26th: Ch-ch-check out the new DJ3K tracks in the Night Club today and celebrate by starting a dance party in your igloo. Don't forget to decorate!
- June 27th: At the Pizza Parlor, move the switch on the Pizzatron 3000 and turn your pizza sweet! Quickly make 8 Candy Pizzas without making a mistake.
- June 28th: Go Ice Fishing and hook as many fish as you can-then cook your catch for some buddies at a party in your igloo!
- June 29th: Time to hit the dance floor and show off your moves! Challenge a buddy to a dance-off in the Night Club.
- June 30th: Waddle along to the Coffee Shop and go upstairs to the Book Room! Read all of the books and then wear the secret item that's hidden in one of them...
- July 1st: Make a buddy smile. Tell your 5 favorite friends that you think they're terrific by sending a Penguin Mail postcard! Thank you!
Tomorrow there will be new music styles for DJ3K.
Sensei is coming! He will be appearing at the Ninja Hideout from July 3rd to July 5th. Note that this is only the Ninja Hideout, not the regular Dojo. You have to be a ninja to see him.
Ruby and the Ruby is coming back on July 10th, and it will stay until August 13th.
Tomorrow there is a new Igloo Upgrades catalog.
The new pin is a watermelon. You can find it on the stairs in the Lighthouse heading up to the Beacon.
That's all! I can't wait for all this stuff, can you?
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Rockhopper's Plants

The new Igloo catalog came out on the 19th. There are only about 6 new items, but it's still cool.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
- June 18th: Check out the Dojo Igloo Contest winners in the newspaper! Buy some furniture from the catalog in the Ninja Hideout and recreate your favorite in your own igloo.
- June 19th: The new pin is out, so make sure you find it and wear it! Help other penguins discover it by giving them clues.
- June 20th: Head to the Stage to star in Fairy Fables! Try playing all of the roles, then pick your favorite and put on a play with all of your buddies.
- June 21st: Make buddies with 7 penguins from different countries. Make sure you all wear your country flag pins!
- June 22nd: Form a sports team with your buddies and start a game at the Soccer Pitch. Choose a color to wear and make up a cheer for your team.
- June 23rd: Make sure you have all the colors from Penguin Style. Then get together with your friends and throw a color party!
- June 24th: Challenge someone to a Card-Jitsu match and earn your next belt. If you're already a ninja, practice in the secret Ninja Hideout.
Like I said in the last post, if someone from the CPTeam sees you doing the event of the day, you'll get 1,001 coins!
The Dojo Igloo Contest winners were announced today! Here they are:
- Blue Ise
- Codemommy
- Freeze the 1
- Glaceon614
- Han Solo 8
- Loulou Emzee
- ManaPhy1997
- Saska97
- StinkyMan 10
- Ughabug
These talented contestants won lots of coins!
The plants from the Migrator have been moved to storage. The CPNewspaper said that they'll stay there until they're needed again. Also, in the newspaper it said that many penguins were finding that their plants they bought from Rockhopper were growing. However, mine aren't growing at all. How about yours?
On June 26th, new Igloo music is coming out. It's probably music from the Adventure Party.
Tomorrow, the new Better Igloos catalog is coming out. It has to do with archaeologists and the AP.
On June 26th, new sounds are coming out for DJ3K.
That's all! I'll post later if I figure out how to make the plants from Rockhopper grow faster, or at all for that matter.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
- Tomorrow the Dojo Contest winners will be announced.
- On Friday, the new Better Igloos catalog will be coming out.
- On Friday, the new pin is also coming out.
- The current pin is in the Book Room, and it is an explorer hat.
Club Penguin announced, in their blog, that if you follow the thing to do of the day, you might get 1001 coins! So, there is a point to doing the thing from 101 Days of Fun.
I got a new banner from CP's site. I can't get it to show up in this post, but I'll get it to show up on the sidebar. It's supposed to list the Thing To Do (TTD) from 101DOF, and any parties or events that are coming up.
On a more personal note, Petey Flipp is finally over 1,000 days old! Today I am 1,002 days old. Exciting, huh? Too bad I didn't get a present....So that means that I have had my account for over two and a half years! That's pretty cool. Well, that's all for now. I'm going to try to publicize my blog more often. I have an Ipod Touch, and there's a really cool game on it called Distant Shore. You send out messages in bottles and get other messages from random people all over the world. It's really cool, and I'm going to write my blog links at the bottom of the messages I send out. Here's the link for the creator's website:
You can check it out if you want. I just put it there to give it credit in a way. I don't really know. :)
How many of you are out of school, and how many are getting out soon? I'm getting out tomorrow, and it's a half day. Then I'm going to a pool party at my friend's house and then on Friday I'm going to another pool party. I'm only going to part of the second one because my sister is having a party too. I'm so excited for summer!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Plants, Parties, and Penguin Style!
Hey! I know I'm a little late with this post, but it's the best I can do :).
The new Penguin Style catalog came out on June 5th. I'm REALLY late with that. I'll post the hidden items on TSOCP. They have two new wigs for girls and one for boys.
There are 7 new things for the 101DOF. Here they are, but I'll just start with today:
- June 14th: Find a buddy and go find a plant that eats snowballs. Hint: Throw snowballs at every plant you see until you find it!
- June 15th: Prepare for takeoff at the Beacon at the Lighthouse! Play Jet-Pack Adventure and try flying the whole course without getting any coins and get a huge bonus prize!
- June 16th: Attention explorers! Grab your best explorer's outfit and uncover the mysterious stone puffle statue. Lead 10 penguins to it, calling "This way to the stone puffle!"
- June 17th: It's a busy day in the Coffee Shop! Put on your apron and get to work. Serve 10 cups of coffee to thirsty penguins.
Fairy Fables is back at the Stage! It will be here until July 9th.
On June 19th, the new Better Igloos catalog is coming out! I'm excited, are you?
On June 18th, the Dojo Igloo Contest winners will be announced.
Now...what you've all been waiting for...THE ADVENTURE PARTY!!! YAYYYY...ayy. Okay! On to the festivities! A lot of the rooms are decorated, although not all of them. The AP is actually a scavenger hunt like CP has on Halloween and Easter. You have to find all sorts of stuff, and to know what to look for, click on the binoculars in the top right corner of the screen.
Your first hint: Your adventure begins down below! Watch out the window and say hello!
Now think: There are only three places in all of CP that are underground. Only one has windows. It's the Underground Pool! It's actually pretty cool with all the decorations. Look out the window, and click on the silver fish. There is your first item!
Your second hint: By a hay shack is where this grows. Its flowers bloom like small rainbows!
This one is a bit harder, considering you don't really think of the building as a hay shack. However, it has a hay's the Cove! The plant is the long string of buds, and they bloom when you click on them. This is your second item!
Your third hint: Out at sea by two fancy boats. Next to a stone this animal floats.
There are no rooms that normally have two boats. However, where is there one boat? The Dock! Go there, and you will see that there is another boat for the party. There is a stone next to the dock, and a turtle next to the stone. This is your third item!
Your fourth hint: Near forts of stone with one petal showing, is where you'll find these next ones growing.
Where are there forts? The Cove? The Forest? The Snow Forts? Yep. Go there. Now look for the plants with only one petal. Click on them, and the other petals come out. This is your fourth item!
Your fifth hint: Look out to sea, for a gushing spray, on an off shore island where penguins play.
Where can you find another island within CP? The Iceberg! Go there, and you can see, in the distant water, a spout. Click on that, and a whale swims up. This is your fifth item!
Your sixth hint: This next plant grows in purple and green, above dirty dishes that need to be cleaned.
Now, there aren't any places that there would normally be dirty dishes in except for the Coffee Shop and the Pizza Parlor. But, neither of them are decorated, so you wouldn't find one of the items in there. Well, let's try the Pizza Parlor. Go there using your map. Hey look! On your way to the Pizza Parlor you found dirty dishes in the Plaza! What luck! Look up, and you will find a purple and green plant. This is your sixth item!
Your seventh hint: Off the coast in a wet disguise, just look for a place where the bubbles all rise.
Hmmm...coast. There is only coast at the Cove, Iceberg, Dock, and Beach. But, there has been an item at the Cove, Iceberg, and Dock. So it must be at the Beach! Go there, and look for the bubbles. Click on them, and a jellyfish comes up. This is your seventh item!
Your eighth hint: Just one more, and you've got them all. Look where the twin waterfalls fall.
This one is hard because there aren't ever any twin waterfalls. I'll give you a hint. It's at the Forest! The forest is really cool because whatever color the penguins are wearing there, that's what color all the flowers turn. The thing you're looking for is the really big flower in the tree next to the tree-fort-tree. This is your eighth item!
Your prize isn't that great considering all the work you've done. It's just a background, but it's still cool.
That's all for now. Later this week I'll post the hidden items in the catalogs on TSOCP.
Post to you later!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
News from the CP Blog
Starting this Thursday, today, June 4th, they will be starting "101 Days of Fun." Here's a part of what they said:
Starting this Thursday, June 4, until the middle of September, every week you'll find a list of things to do in the Club Penguin Times! 101 Days of Fun means there will be something new to do, discover, and check off every single day! It all kicks off on Thursday, so we'll give you more details then.
...Which means it's kicking off today! Here's some stuff from the CPTimes. It's for June 4th to June 10th, and then they'll post more in the next edition of CPTimes.

They all seem pretty cool. Here's the things to do:
- June 4th: It's time for the epic pin hunt! Turn blue, put on your ice cream apron, and see if you can lead 25 penguins to the pin.
- June 5th: Work time! Grab a construction hat from the Penguin Style catalog and get more than 10 dancing construction buddies to join you on the Iceberg!
- June 6th: Waddle up to the Lounge above the Night Club and play 10 levels of Astro Barrier. Wait 30 seconds, then shoot at the blue ship to uncover Secret Levels!
- June 7th: Grab a warm-weather item from new catalog in the Gift Shop and have 20 penguins follow you to the Cove for a snowball-throwing party!
- June 8th: Make a big fish wish! Go Ice Fishing by entering the door in the Lodge. Try to catch the big fish. Hint: near the end, instead of a worm, use a fish for bait.
- June 9th: It's time for the Hiking Vikings! Buy a viking helmet of your choice at the Stage and march in a circle shouting "Hiking!" and "Viking!"
- June 10th: Before you log into Club Penguin next time, check out the What's New blog and help us pick a summer pin by leaving your comments.
I wrote that sometime last week. Now, there will be a new newspaper coming out tomorrow as well as a new list of things to do, just like the ones above. Check out the new things to do! I'll be posting another post of newer news.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
- Flipper Stomper
- Coconut
- Catchin' Waves Theme (which I don't think is new)
- Puffle Ragtime
- Summer Song
- Mix Maestro
- Water Kongo
I think the Puffle Ragtime is the best. It's so awesome! I play that in my igloo now.
Rockhopper is gone :'(. He left around three days ago. Hopefully you got your plants! Even though he's gone, there are still plants covering the Beach. It's pretty crazy.
On June 5th, the new Penguin Style is coming out. There will be new summer outfits ready for the heat! It's staying here until July 2nd.
On June 12th, until June 16th, there's something called the Adventure Party. It's description in the Club Penguin Times just says to be an explorer and discover the adventures. I have no idea what it is.
The Dojo Igloo Contest started yesterday, and it will last until the 13th. You have to have a Dojo Igloo. The 10 Grand Prize winners will receive 25,000 coins, and the 10 runner-ups will receive 15,000 coins, which is still pretty good.
On a more personal note, I decorated my igloo so it's ready for summer! Here's a pic.

That's all for now!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Avatar Creations
Lily likes the Nickelodeon show Avatar the Last Airbender, so her blog is about her drawings of the characters from that show. I've drawn a picture of the Penguin Band and their audience before, and I still have it. That was the one that I sent in for Cena's competition thing. I gave her a copy the next time I saw her, and she said she would put it on her blog. That's all I have to say. You should check out her blog, it's pretty cool. She's actually a pretty good artist.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Rockhopper's Back...With Plants!

That's all for now. Oh yeah, the new pin. It's in the Pizza Parlor, behind the piano. It's an ice cream sundae. Okay, NOW I can say that's all for now.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Rockhopper, Sports, and Penguin Style!

Saturday, May 16, 2009
New Igloo Catalog and Rockhopper
- Celtic Rug
- Ornate Mirror
- Brazier
- Archer's Window
- Wall Sconce
- Medieval Banner
- Penguin Knight Sculpture
- Wall Torch
- Royal Throne
- Harp
The rest is Clearance, Green Furniture, and plants.
In other news, Rockhopper is coming!!! If you go to the Beacon, you can see him. He's pretty far off, he'll probably be here in a few days, probably around Wednesday or Thursday. There's something weird on his ship, though. It looks like a big green dragon or something.
Sorry, you can't see it very well. Pictures always come out blurry when you make them too big. That's everything. Nothing else new. Tomorrow's the last day of the Medieval Party, so be sure to finish the Knight's Quest if you haven't and get the new stuff.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Medieval Party Is On-eth!
But before I get to that, I'll tell you about the new play. It's all mixed up! It's called "The Haunting of the Viking Opera." It involves Helga, a viking, an "extra viking", the Glowing Ghost, and Inspector Bailey. It's seems pretty cool.
Okay, now I'll give you the scoop on the Medieval Party. (eth). Every single room is decorated except for the Dojo, the Iceberg, the Stage (because it's always decorated), and the Sports Shop. You should check it all out. It's really great. I especially like the Ski Lodge, which is like the "Good Castle". I also like the Mountain, which looks like the "Bad Castle". The Gift Shop has a special catalog with knightly and princessly things. Now on to the Knight's Quest.
There are signs all around town about the Knight's Quest.

Challenge 1: You have to step on all of the switches to turn on all of the orbs. (Signs: fish equals up, crab equals right.)

Proceed through the door to the "north".
Challenge 2: Hit 50 targets with snowballs. You can also get a free golden shield here. (Signs: boot equals down, jellyfish equals left.)

Proceed through the door to the left.
Challenge 3: Figure out the maze! There is a sign on the right side of the wall with a series of...interesting figures! They are the jellyfish, the boot, the crab, and the fish! Those signs from the last two challenges will help you here. Let's review.
Now figure out which doors to take with this sequence of pictures.
boot, jellyfish, boot, crab, crab, fish
(which equals) down, left, down, right, right, up

Friday, May 8, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Penguin Style May '09
- King's Crown
- Royal Robe
- Blue Doublet
- Crystal Staff

- The Shimmer (girls' wig)
- Lady's Gown
- Amethyst Hat
- Amethyst Dress
- Emerald Hat
- Emerald Dress
- Topaz Hat
- Topaz Dress
- Woodsman Hat

- Green Hooded Cloak
- Green Tunic
- Court Jester Hat
- Court Jester
- Knight Helmet
- Knight Armor
- Plated Shoes
- Blue Dragon Costume

- Let's Bounce
- Go West
- Patrick's Jig
These three songs are for members only, by the way. That's all for now.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Hear Ye, Hear Ye (Again)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Hear Ye, Hear Ye
Medieval Party Sneak Peek! Billybob gave us penguins a sneak peek drawing of some buildings, and a new piece of clothing. The buildings look pretty cool. The piece of clothing is like a hooded cape, and it is green. The party will start on May 8th, and it will end on May 17th. There have been tales of a dragon in the Mine, which I think was there last time. Billybob said there will be a Knight's Quest for members. That's all I know about that.
Tomorrow, be sure to check in. There will be a new type of sled for Sled Racing and three new songs for Dance Challenge. I don't know about you, but I'm excited.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
- April 17th-May 14th: New Better Igloos catalog
- Quest for the Golden Puffle ends May 7th
- May 1st-June 4th: New Penguin Style catalog
- April 24th: New Sled Type (toboggan), Three new songs for Dance Challenge, New Pin
Nothing else really. Just news.